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Western & Southern Celebrates 31 Years with Walk MS

Western & Southern Financial Group •
western southern walk ms 27th year
Since 1992, thousands of associates and their friends and family have walked and donated to support Walk MS’ mission to cure multiple sclerosis (MS). Our Western & Southern team, Willie’s Walkers, honors our past CEO, William J. Williams, whose daughter suffered with MS. Over the years, Western & Southern and its associates have donated over $1.7 million to Walk MS.

Multiple sclerosis affects nearly one million people in the U.S. While the cause of MS is unknown, the impact of the disease is not. MS interrupts signals to the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), which could affect everything from physical movement to problem solving ability. Symptoms are also broad, unpredictable and different for each individual. Some examples include numbness, memory loss, paralysis and blindness. These symptoms could be temporary or long-lasting, and those with MS can even experience new symptoms with each episode. 
Walk MS is just one of the many ways Western & Southern partners with community groups to make Cincinnati the best place to live, work and celebrate life. 

Registration and more information about Walk MS is available at: https://www.nationalmssociety.org/.