Attendance at both the National Producer Conference and President’s Leadership Forum programs is by invitation only. Top producers and office heads can qualify to attend both the National Producer Conference and President's Leadership Forum programs by meeting the invitation guidelines for each conference independently.
Life Premium
Counts as 100% of Annualized First Year Target Life Premium. Excess Life Premium Credit counts as 10% of premium payments in excess of target toward Production Thresholds.
Annuity Premium
Counts as 10% of new annuity sales deposits toward Production Thresholds. 10% of annuity sales deposits on producer’s own life or that of their family members will be included in the $5,000 life premium limit listed below.
Minimum Lives
Five or more paid lives are required. A “life” is an issued and paid-for individual life or individual annuity case underwritten by Columbus Life.
Personal Production
Maximum total of $5,000 in paid premium credits, including excess premium and annuity credits, on producer’s own life or that of their family members will count toward conference qualification. Maximum of two lives, both for life and annuities, written on a producer or their family will count toward conference qualification.
90% percent or better “rolling” first-year combined persistency for individual life as shown on the December 31, 2024, report covering the last 12 months of fully exposed business.
Eligibility Period
January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.