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Commemorating Veterans Day

Western & Southern Financial Group •
US Flag

103 years ago on Nov. 11, the guns fell silent on the Western Front, marking the end of what would come to be known as World War I.

Every year since, the United States has commemorated Veterans Day to honor all Americans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Western & Southern has a long and proud history of supporting our men and women in uniform. During World War II, some 550 Western & Southern associates served on active duty. Though it was unusual for the times, our company paid those serving a monthly gratuity to supplement their military pay.

Today, Western & Southern Financial Group counts among its ranks nearly 100 military veterans and another 20 spouses of military veterans. That our veterans feel so at home here helps explain why, year after year, Western & Southern Life is named a Military Friendly® Employer and Military Friendly Spouse Employer.

By virtue of their willingness to write the rest of us a blank check, payable with their lives, our veterans have earned our undying gratitude. Beyond offering our appreciation, we honor them in a number of other ways. Each year, Western & Southern contributes generously to Easterseals of Greater Cincinnati in direct support of their military and veteran services. We also support the American College of Financial Services through military scholarships that benefit active-duty military, veterans and their spouses transitioning to a civilian career in financial services.

On this Veterans Day, we pay tribute to veterans for their honorable service and selfless sacrifice. We remember that while we can never fully repay them, we can at least acknowledge what we owe them. And because it can never be said enough, we thank them for our freedom.