Personal Finance Frequently Asked Questions

A women is learning more about personal finance.

What Is a Vial of Life Kit & Do You Need One?

The Vial of Life is a program that allows individuals to have their complete medical information ready in their home for emergency personnel to reference during an emergency. A Vial of Life Kit consists of a medical information form and decals to let responding emergency medical workers know this information is available, when needed.

Understanding the Role of a Death Doula in End-of-Life Care

A doula can be an invaluable resource for end-of-life transitions, helping to make a loved one comfortable and pass on with dignity. Death doulas are becoming increasingly popular as more families learn about their services and how they can help families during one of the most difficult life experiences.

Difference Between Critical Illness & Disability Income Insurance

Critical illness insurance pays a lump sum if the insured person is diagnosed with a covered illness, whereas disability income insurance helps provides monthly payments if the insured person becomes disabled and can't work. Both types of insurance can help provide financial support during a difficult time, but they cover different situations and have different benefits.

Difference Between Critical Illness & Health Insurance

Critical illness insurance helps provides a lump sum payment if the insured person is diagnosed with a serious illness. Health insurance, on the other hand, covers medical expenses related to illness or injury. Critical illness insurance is designed to help provide financial support for non-medical expenses while health insurance covers medical expenses directly. Both types of insurance can be important to have, as they offer different types of protection.

Why I Bought Long-Term Care Insurance in My 20s

The author explains that the earlier you purchase the insurance, the cheaper it is and the more likely you are to qualify for it. They also highlights the importance of being financially prepared for long-term care as it can be very expensive. She concludes that purchasing long-term care insurance was a smart decision for her and encourages others to consider it as well.

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