
Our well-diversified family of companies offers a wide range of expertise within the financial services industry. By offering dynamic career opportunities in numerous fields, our associates have the opportunity to explore all of their interests and challenge themselves to continue to develop and apply their skills while tackling real business objectives.

Western & Southern Is Somewhere To Lead

At Western & Southern, there are a variety of development opportunities available to all associates. Hear from Katie about how her relationship with a mentor has helped guide her through new challenges as a leader and provide support while broadening her perspective.

2023 Home Office Career Highlights

Long tenure, a high rate of internal promotions and abundant associate referrals are a few strong indicators that we are the ideal place for a career.
Average Tenure

10.2 Years

Associates Who Received a Promotion


Open Positions Filled Internally

1 Out of 3

Associates with 5+ Years of Service

1 Out of 2

Promotions to Management Positions


External Hires From Associate Referrals

1 Out of 4

Tools for Career Navigation

Every individual’s career is a unique journey. Our career resources enable our associates to explore different career paths and facilitate development conversations with their leadership team about ways to grow and lead.

Career Coaching

Associates have the opportunity to engage in one-on-one sessions with certified career coaches who are committed to helping associates maximize their professional growth.

Career Launchers

This platform offers essential tools and connections for shaping a long-term career vision.

My Check-Ins

This tool helps associates own their development and provides more real-time, actionable feedback between them and their manager.

Somewhere To...

Cover page of 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report PDF

Want the Full Report?

Our Corporate Responsibility Report highlights our efforts to create value for you and the communities we serve. Accomplishing our mission relies on key practices and policies designed to leave a positive impact on you, our communities and the world.