
A diverse mix of minds, experiences and backgrounds in our workforce is key to our ongoing success and growth. Collaboration along with new and different perspectives enables us to better develop innovative products, think of new ways of doing business and enhance service to our customers and clients.

Western & Southern Is Somewhere To Win

Trust, collaboration and a customer-focused approach are essential ingredients to our success. Hear from Arihant on how these key practices help his team “win” by delivering innovative solutions to the business.

Four associates enjoying Associate Appreciation Day

Celebrating Associates

We love celebrating the people who make Western & Southern great, whether it be at our annual associate award programs, on Associate Appreciation Day, with special recognition throughout the year or with simple encouragement every day.
Three associates collaborating together next to chalkboard

We Collaborate to Innovate

Through our Operational Excellence methodology, associates have a common way of prioritizing and visually seeing the progress of their work, improving how work is done by sharing ideas and feedback, and implement process improvement through a collaborative approach. This also helps associates learn new skills and drive efficiencies so we can deliver results that bring greater meaning to our work, all while enhancing the customer experience.

In 2023, associates drove efficiencies that saved more than $570,000 and 44,000 hours of work through Operational Excellence.

Western & Southern Is...

Cover page of 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report PDF

Want the Full Report?

Our Corporate Responsibility Report highlights our efforts to create value for you and the communities we serve. Accomplishing our mission relies on key practices and policies designed to leave a positive impact on you, our communities and the world.